martedì 10 febbraio 2015

Many hands make the work lighter

A couple of days ago we've been delivered 4 cubics of wood. Yesterday there was a terrible wind so my husband was the only one brave enough to venture outside and put some of it in the old barn outside ( not a barn anymore nowadays-unfortunately-just a huge multi-purpose storage room ). But today we woke up with a blue sky, shining sun and +5 degree !!! So when my husband said he was going out to put inside some of the wood we happily decided to skip any attempt to academic work or read aloud and headed out with him. It was 4 of us at beginning, me. hubby, Gaia and Jimmy. Later also Leo joined us. It was a pure pleasure. Working in the sun, the noise of the drops falling from the roofs as the snow was melting, some chit-chatting among us and the sight of the youngest of the family catching up with the meaning of 'family' itself, living together, working together, sharing and caring with and for each other. What an incredible joy for this mama heart to see her children helping with the task of daily living in this old house all together, including the little one and showing him the right direction, either metaphorically and in the reality. A truly joyful morning.

p.s. There's no picture of Leo because he doesn't like to be photographed ( unfortunately )

2 commenti:

Thank you so much for taking your time to share your thoughts with me.
I'll try to answer as soon as possible ! :)